
Late at night

When the
7 silver stars
Gyrate across
The midnight sky;
Quelling sister’s
Great despair
I by soft white light
Of virgin moon
And 100 stringed
And glowing stars
lie sleeping,
eyes closed
in eternal stare,
And you whisper
Sweetly, gently,
In my ear,
Cathartic words
Of love,
and selves repair.

The Land

The land was distant

and unknown.

Fathers had spoken of it often,

but back then we simply

couldnt have known


there was no becoming then.

We were not ripe,

We we were not grown.

Years past

we laboured

and it remained

a sepia coloured

picture slightly stained.

A place far away

and vast;

A place away,

A place unknown,

A place of peace,

And just a dream,

a single digit out of grasp.

A place trees,

of dancing leaves,

of stone,

of flowing streams;

A place of sunlight

set in midday dreams,

that quiet white blankets

covered on distant winter eves.

As generations grew

to men and women,

as did the strifes and labours too,

with loss and fear,

And costly prices paid

the children died,

the children grew.

Yet with many long and distant


coursing back and forth,

sometimes with the many,

sometimes one alone,

The father’s dream in time


the children’s

father’s home.

Ted’s Cafe


There was a street cafe
Of love,
Where once a virgin met
Experienced lover.
Where a husband yearned
For yet another,
Where a fiancé second guessed a marriage.
Where an older man
Ached for a younger lover,
And played juke boxes
Of different songs,
Many times
With coffee cups of different sighs,
And glistening eyes.
All three hearts and minds
mourned in different ways ,
at different times,
the fact that their love
Had died
In that street cafe of love called Ted’s.

Did you Hear ?


Did you hear
Leonard Cohen died
His family, and his lovers
by his side.

Did you hear
Leonard Cohen died.
The music and the words won’t be quite
so gravelly

Did you hear
Leonard Cohen died.
Won’t be long before Irving and Abraham
Are by his side.

Did you hear
Leonard Cohen died,
Discarded mask
And costume that he wore,
To slip behind a curtain.

Did you hear
Leonard Cohen died.
A village and a nation sighed.

Did you hear
That last
soft breath open:
Go by brooks love
Where fish stare,
Go by brooks love
I will pass there.